Is academic qualification important for filmmakers ? ( Argumentative Essay)

 Is academic qualification important for filmmakers ?

There are two opposing views found on filmmakers in Bangladesh. Some people believe that Bangladeshi movies are not getting quality because of their low budget. On the other hand, some people believe that filmmakers are not qualified.Now, the controversy between these two groups still exists today;who is right?

Some people think that most Bangladeshi filmmakers have not qualified from a renowned school/college/university. Whereas in other countries  most filmmakers are academically highly qualified. They often  get a Ph.D degree from a world famous university . Then they make a film where the area is not so big , even time does not matter for them but in the end the audience love to see their movies most. But in Bangladesh, filmmakers are not interested in taking a degree from a university . They try to make films of their own interest.  For this reason we cannot produce such quality films as other countries  do for a long long  time. For example,”Avengers” series .They make four parts.all of the flim are hit. Where there are 13 main actors, It is very difficult for a producer to manage 13 actors, but Because of his brilliant skills he can manage various kinds of a huge number of  artists. Also he only does that kind of work  which he planned for .

On the other hand, some people think that one of the major reasons for not running Bangladeshi movies is that they are not very popular. As well as,  the choice of our filmmakers is also not so good . Besides, the budget and camera quality or  resolution  are not  too high  to make a film. For example, the recent film “Tumi Aso Tumi Nei” released on March 12, 2021.  Where there are 2 main actors, but here the producer struggles to manage their actor and they works without plan,As a result, most of the time there is a producer's dispute between the actors

So, like other countries, if we want to produce quality films,  first we have to qualify academically our filmmakers and others who are involved in making films. Also, we have to manage a good amount of budget and set up for them. Thus they can produce a standard and quality full film for our country.

==The End==

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