Singly Linked List (Exercise 1-8)

 Question LAB 2: ## 

Linked list:

A linked list is a sequence of data structures, which are connected together via links. Linked List is a sequence of links which contains items. Each link contains a connection to another link. Linked list is the second most-used data structure after array.

Linked list can be visualized as a chain of nodes, where every node points to the next node.

Now you have to perform the following lab task on linked list:

Exercise 1:

Create a Menu
Create a menu that will display all the exercises given below (Exercise 2 to Exercise 8) as a list and prompt user to select any desired option. The menu can be designed in below format.

1. Insert new node

2. Insert node at beginning

3. Insert node at any position………

Exercise 2:

Create Linked List

Creating linked list is a more than one step activity. First, create a node using structure and find the location where it has to be inserted. Then input the data and store it in the allocated memory space. Use the pointer part of the node to point another node and insert the node at the end of the previously inserted node.

Exercise 3:

Insert New Node at beginning

After completing exercise 1 you have a newly created linked list. Then take a new node and add it in the beginning of the linked list.

Exercise 4:

Insert New Node at any position

Take a position number to insert a new node. Then take a new node and add it in the specified position number.

Exercise 5:

Delete Node from last position

Delete the last node from the linked list and make the pointer part NULL of the previous node of the last node

Exercise 6:

Delete Node from beginning

Delete the first node.

Exercise 7:

Delete Node from any position

Take a position number to delete a node from that position number.

Exercise 8:

Reverse Linked list

You have to reverse the linked list in following format.

Exercise 9:

Remove Duplicate data from Linked list

You have to remove all duplicate entry from your linked list. For this you have to create a list of data containing duplicate data and after executing, your program will provide a list, by removing all duplicate data.


Input: 1 2 1 1 2 3

Output: 1 2 3

Solution: ##: 



void create();

void display();

void insert_at_beginning();

void insert_at_end();

void insert_at_any_position();

void delete_at_beginning();

void delete_at_end();

void delete_at_any_position();

void delete_a_particular_node();

void reverse_list();

void delete_any_douplcate_value();

struct node{

    int val;

    struct node *next;


struct node *curr, *tail = NULL, *head = NULL;

int main(){




    printf("1.  Crate\n");

    printf("2.  Display\n");

    printf("3.  Insert at the beginning\n");

    printf("4.  Insert at the end\n");

    printf("5.  Insert at any position\n");

    printf("6.  Delete at the beginning\n");

    printf("7.  Delete at the end\n");

    printf("8.  Delete at the any position\n");

    printf("9.  delete a particular node\n");

    printf("10. reverse the list\n");

    printf("11. delete all duplicate value\n");

    printf("12. Exit\n");


    printf("Enter number between 1-12 here: ");

    int x;

    scanf("%d", &x);








































void create(){

    int i, n;

    printf("Enter how many node you want: ");

    scanf("%d", &n);

    printf("Enter node value what you want: ");

    for(i = 0; i < n; i++){

        curr = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));

        scanf("%d", &(curr -> val));

        curr -> next = NULL;

        if(head == NULL){

            head = curr;

            tail = curr;

        } else{

            tail -> next = curr;

            tail = curr;




void display(){

    printf("------>> Display value ------>>\n");

    struct node *temp = head;

    while(temp != NULL){

        printf("%d  ", temp -> val);

        temp = temp -> next;




void insert_at_beginning(){

     curr = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));

     printf("Enter a new node value here: ");

     scanf("%d", &curr -> val);

     curr -> next = NULL;

     if(head == NULL){

            head = curr;

            tail = curr;

    } else{

        curr -> next = head;

        head = curr;



void insert_at_end(){

     struct node *temp;

     curr = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));

     printf("Enter a new node value here: ");

     scanf("%d", &curr -> val);

     curr -> next = NULL;

     if(head == NULL){

            head = curr;

            tail = curr;

    } else{

        temp = head;

        while(temp-> next!=NULL){

            temp = temp -> next;


        temp -> next = curr;

        tail = curr;



void insert_at_any_position(){

     int posi, i;

     struct node *temp, *temp1;

     curr = (struct node *) malloc(sizeof(struct node));

     printf("Enter node position where you want to store value here: ");

     scanf("%d", &posi);

     printf("Enter new node value at position %d : ",posi);

     scanf("%d", &curr -> val);

     curr -> next = NULL;

     if(head == NULL){

            head = curr;

            tail = curr;

    } else{

        temp = head;

        for(i = 1; i <= posi-1; i++){

            temp1 = temp;

            temp = temp->next;


        temp1 -> next = curr;

        curr -> next = temp;



void delete_at_beginning(){

    struct node *temp;

    temp = head;

    head = head->next;



void delete_at_end(){

    struct node *temp,*temp1;

    if(head!=NULL) {

        temp = head;

        while(temp->next!=NULL) {

            temp1 = temp;

            temp = temp->next;


        temp1->next = NULL;




void delete_a_particular_node(){

    struct node *temp,*temp1;

    int key;

    printf("Enter key here: ");

    scanf("%d", &key);


    if(head!=NULL) {

        temp = head;

        if(temp -> next != NULL && temp -> val != key) {

            temp1 = temp;

            temp = temp->next;


        if (temp -> val == key){

            temp1 -> next = temp -> next;


        } else{

            printf("Search key not found\n");




void delete_at_any_position(){

    int posi, i, c=0;

    struct node *temp, *temp1;

    printf("Enter node position which one you want to remove: ");

    scanf("%d", &posi);

    if(head != NULL){

        temp = head;

        for(i = 1; i <= posi-1; i++){

            temp1 = temp;

            temp = temp->next;




            temp1 -> next = temp -> next;





void reverse_list(){

    struct node *prev = NULL, *curre = head, *next;


        next = curre->next;

        curre->next = prev;

        prev = curre;

        curre = next;


    head = prev;

    printf("List has been reverse....\n");


void delete_any_douplcate_value(){

    struct node *temp, *temp1, *dup;

    temp = head;

    while(temp!=NULL && temp->next!=NULL){

        temp1 = temp;


            if(temp->val == temp1->next->val){

                dup = temp1->next;

                temp1->next = temp1->next->next;




                temp1 = temp1->next;



        temp = temp->next;


    printf("All duplicate item has been deleted....\n");


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