Problem: 5.02

 Question 5.2: Write a program in Java that follows the specifications as given below.

• Define a class Book as shown in the following figure.

• Create your Main class and the main() method. Define an array of Book type objects of size 5.

• Instantiate these Book objects by taking the inputs from the user.

• Print all Book objects’ data using a static method displayAll().

• Invoke compareTo() method to compare any two Book objects based on their pages. If caller object’s number of

pages is greater than callee object’s number of pages, compareTo() returns 1; if both pages are same, the method

returns 0 and -1 otherwise. Make sure to print the returned value.

• Define a static method isHeavier() within the Main class that takes a Book object as input parameter and returns

true if the Book’s number of pages is greater than 500; false, otherwise. Add appropriate code into your main()

method to demonstrate its functionalities.


//Book class

public class Book {

    private int ISBN;
    private String bookTitle;
    private int numberOfPages;
    private int count;

    Book(int ISBN, String bookTitle, int numberOfPages) {
        this.ISBN = ISBN;
        this.bookTitle = bookTitle;
        this.numberOfPages = numberOfPages;

    Book() {


    public String toString() {
        return "ISBN :" + ISBN + "\nBOOK Title :" + bookTitle + "\nNumber Of Pages:" + numberOfPages;

    int compareTo(Book I) {
        if (this.numberOfPages == I.numberOfPages) {
            return 0;
        } else if (this.numberOfPages > I.numberOfPages) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return -1;

    public int getCount() {
        return count;

    public int getNumberOfPages() {
        return numberOfPages;

    void displayAll() {
        System.out.println("ISBN:" + ISBN);
        System.out.println("Book Title:" + bookTitle);
        System.out.println("Number Of Pages:" + numberOfPages);

//Main Class

public class testBook {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Book b1 = new Book(125987136, "The Givers", 121);
        Book b2 = new Book(987987136, "Hunger Games", 246);
        Book b3 = new Book(654187136, "Shivering", 326);
        int data = b1.compareTo(b2);
        data = b2.compareTo(b3);
        Book[] bookArray = new Book[5];
        bookArray[0] = new Book(1, "aa", 423);
        bookArray[1] = new Book(2, "bb", 193);
        bookArray[2] = new Book(3, "cc", 823);
        bookArray[3] = new Book(8, "dd", 443);
        bookArray[4] = new Book(6, "ee", 743);

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

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