Term Paper Subject: Reevaluating Criminal Activities: Killing Spirit in Humans.


Table of Contents

Chapter No.

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Very First Criminal Activities in Humans History


Chapter: 2

Modern Criminal Activities


Chapter: 3

Killing Spirit in Humans


Analysis of the Statistics Data







This term paper mainly discusses the criminal activity of humans and the killing spirit in humans, which I have tried to explain with many kinds of scientific doctrine, fact, and statistical analysis. Here I have tried to discuss in detail the criminal activities in a Spanish cave 43,000 years ago. Each chapter discusses different aspects of criminal activities; I believe which will make you thrilled. I have highlighted the thoughts of a few different scientists and compared them. After reading my term paper, you will know all kinds of strange things about killing humans' spirits, and it will force you to change your thinking.


I would like to thank my course instructor, Ariful Islam, to inspire me to write about this topic and suggest improvements. Moreover, I am grateful to my fellow classmate and close friend, I also thank my friends Farhana Islam Chowdhury and Kazi Abdul Kader those who have helped me with honest reviews and suggestions.


Humans are social animals. But, there are two opposing views found on human nature in scientific research. On the one hand, "Thomas Hobbes" suggested that the nature of Homo sapiens was ultimately violent and that the whole evolutionary development of humankind was a war against all. On the other hand, "Jean-Jacques Rousseau" believed that human-made civilization cooperated and was ambitious to become a full member of a social group; the controversy between these two groups still exists today; who’s right? Hobbes or Russo. What is the basic nature of man and how does the killing spirit grow in a man?


Very First Criminal Activities in Humans History

In 2013, scientists found a very unusual finding in a hole in the bone in the Sima Los Hugos or Spanish cave. What they got were human remains and so unusual about it was its location. After all, the cave is located at a depth of 43 feet or 13 meters. It is too deep for humans to live. No sign was found that the cave was used sometime later as a cemetery. It became clear that this search was evidence of the very first criminal activities in human’s history. At least in the first case, science still knew what directed the first murderer on earth and what made this crime unusually bizarre? Scientists finally decided to study more closely to clarify the bodies discovered in the Spanish cave.

They collected a skull from 52 pieces scattered at the bottom of the cave. It was found that the man in the skull had lived about four hundred and thirty thousand years ago. However, most of the researcher's attention was focused on the two brittle upper limbs of the left eye. They had the same outline and were completely identical. At first, the scientists suggested that the falls to the bottom of the cave caused injuries. No signs of healing were found in the injured area, meaning that the injury was dead or post-mortem.

Scientists began to study the skull fractures in more detail and concluded that they resulted from a blow from a stone spear or axe. That is, it was an intentional murder. Judging by the location of the fractures, the attacker struck the area above the left eye with his right hand several times. After that, the killer dragged the lifeless body and dropped it to the bottom of the cave of Sima Los Hugos.

However, the murdered man seemed to have been far from the only victim of severe physical violence because besides him, the remains of another 28 people were found in the cave. No trace of violent death was found on the other skeletons, but scientists are sure that the people were already dead when they were dropped to the bottom of the cave. It is possible that several criminals committed the first-ever Massacre known to humankind, or maybe it was some serial maniac.

Chapter: 2

Killing Spirit in Humans

In the modern era, we are often blamed for violence in the media, computer games, or violent movies. However, the killers I have just described did not play pubg, fallout or see Quentin Tarantino's those bloody jokes. Then, why were humans do those criminal things?

At the root of the problem are deeply evolutionary biologists who believe that the cause of modern violence is natural selection. Our forefathers, who were prone to cruelty, killed all their peace-loving families; thus, only violent people could continue to rule the dynasty. As a result, genes are responsible for aggression. The evolutionary development of human beings was preserved for the next generation and eventually reached us. However, despite the tendency of every human being to be aggressive, some of us are capable of actual oppression. The reality is that evolution has enriched our empathy and sympathy Our ability to empathize and cooperate differently depends on interacting with another person. However, in some psychiatrists, this quality is not deprived. Whether or not this antisocial personality disorder is innate or the consequences of parenting and the surrounding social environment remains an open question. The need to have emo very close to the psychopath to commit murder does not have to be an attachment to your potential victim.

Chapter: 3

Modern Criminal Activities

It is noteworthy that this type of crime occurred at least 130,000 years before the first Homo sapiens appeared. Even after the evolution of time, it still exists among us. The assassin chose his prey to include the first species of human to be assumed that only the distant predecessors of Homo sapiens were brutal murderers and the intelligent man was a quieter creature, but this is far from the truth.

Scientist Darwinism suggested that humans evolved from animals through the process of evolution. In many cases, the crimes of the present time question Darwin's doctrine, although Darwin said that the genes were responsible for the aggression. However, the current moral education has been blamed for the downfall of the human race, the greed for violence. Self-esteem is consuming humanity. It is now seen that educated people are involved in most of the crimes against Darwinism.

Analysis of the Statistics Data

According to the U.S. Bureau of Statistics, this confirms that about 30 percent of all female homicide victims have suffered at the hands of their husbands, and ex-husbands murder another 18 percent of women. In charged situations, people often behave emotionally and irrationally, leading to touching and irreversible consequences.


I answered the first question asked about human nature and killing consciousness. We can say with confidence that both statements are true. Both human characters can be destructive and crawling aggression has helped the human race survive the adverse conditions of the primitive world and this ability to cooperate and empathize with others while becoming an influential species on the planet. Most importantly, we have been able to control our animal instincts. Even in killing most modern people, there are still thoughts of violence that are completely wrong and unacceptable.


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  1. Kageyama, B. (2020, October 27). The first known murder in history. Lessons from History. https://medium.com/lessons-from-history/the-first-known-murder-in-history-16a64cacd1c7

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  1. Why do people kill? (2020, January 24). ACS DISTANCE EDUCATION. https://www.acsedu.co.uk/Info/Psychology-and-Counselling/Applied-Psychology/Why-Do-People-Kill.aspx

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