Assigning mice to hole

 3. Assigning mice to hole: There are N Mice and N holes are placed in a straight line. Each hole can

accommodate only 1 mouse. A mouse can stay at his position, move one step right from x to x + 1,

or move one step left from x to x -1. Any of these moves consumes 1 minute. Assign mice to holes

so that the time when the last mouse gets inside a hole is minimized.


Input: positions of mice are: 4 -4 2

Positions of holes are: 4 0 5

Output: 4

Assign mouse at position x = 4 to hole at

Position x = 4 : Time taken is 0 minutes

Assign mouse at position x=-4 to hole at

Position x = 0 : Time taken is 4 minutes

Assign mouse at position x=2 to hole at

Position x = 5 : Time taken is 3 minutes

After 4 minutes all of the mice are in the holes.

Since, there is no combination possible where

the last mouse's time is less than 4,

Answer = 4.

Input: positions of mice are:

-10, -79, -79, 67, 93, -85, -28, -94

Positions of holes are:

-2, 9, 69, 25, -31, 23, 50, 78

Output: 102


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

int assignHole(int mices[], int holes[],int n, int m)


if (n != m)

return -1;

sort(mices, mices + n);

sort(holes, holes + m);

int max = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i)

{if (max < abs(mices[i] - holes[i]))

max = abs(mices[i] - holes[i]);


return max;


int main()

{   int n,m;

    int mices[20],holes[20];

    printf("Enter the number of mices, holes: ");

    scanf("%d %d",&n,&m);

    printf("positions of mice are: ");

    for(int i=0;i< n;i++){



    printf("Positions of holes are: ");

    for(int j=0;j<m;j++){



int minTime = assignHole(mices, holes, n, m);

printf("The last mouse gets into the hole in time: %d\n",minTime);

return 0;



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