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Smallest missing element.

Xander Budnick is a famous you tuber. Currently he is in a mission to visit several tourist spo…

Union of two Linked List.

Suppose you are given two lists of integer numbers, where head1 and head2 contain  address of fi…

Sub of Subset

You are given n number of integer as well as a sum.  You have to compute whether the sum is made…

0-1 Knapsack Algorithm

0-1 Knapsack : you are given the weights and value of n item. You are  also given the capacity W…

Kruskal Algorithom

Take an undirected and weighted graph as input. Apply Kruskal Algorithm to find minimum spanning…

Floyd Warshal

Implement Floyd Warshall algorithm in a weighted directed graph to find all pair shortest paths.…


Graph Graph is a data structure that consists of following two components: 1. a finite set of ve…

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